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2019/6/10 13:45:59来源:新航道作者:新航道


新航道雅思/托福/TOEFL Junior/免费代报名





  Nowadys many people choose to be self-employed,rather than to work for a company or organisation.Why might this be the case?What could be the disadvantages of being self-employed?


  A considerable amount of people these davs are deciding to work for themselves instead of someone else at a company.The following essay will discuss the reasons for this trend and any problems people may face being their own boss.

  Looking at possible reasons to begin with,I think one of the main factors was the 2008 crash which placed the entire planet into recession.This is something from which we,as a global economy,have only just recovered,and in many places,are still recovering.Companies laid off people by the thousands and with the amount of job losses that were encountered,I believe that it makes a lot of sense to work for yourself.My father,as an example,worked in the banking sector at that time and was one of the first to be made redundant. He struggled to work for many months,until he decided to offer financial services as an independent consultant.Now,he is much happier,and I believe more stable,than he was before.

  Moving onto potential disadvantages,the most obvious is the risk of not being able to find enough work and therefore providing tor yourself and maybe your family.Being the CEO of a company sounds grand,but the reality 1s,at least at the beginning,a lot of hard work,doubt and long hours.It is certainly not for everyone.Ihe BBC Business section showed figures that around 50% of small businesses fail in the rirst 5 years.A scary position for anyone.

  Tn conclusion,while starting a small business may be the correct move for some,it is not ctiaxervone and,to overcome the downward trend or long-term survival needs dedication nersistence,customers and pernaps most or all,luck.(291 words)







  It has increasingly been observed that people are choosing to be self-employed rather than signing on with a company or organization as employees.There are various factors that contribute to this phenomenon,and while it may seem satisfying to work for oneself at first glance,doing so may also come with its own drawbacks.

  As for the reasons that people are choosing to shun working for an employer,it is likely due to various economic and technological factors.For instance,despite ever-increasing profits,company benefits and pay grades have remained largely unchanged for the past few decades.Similarly,treatment of workers in many fields has declined as markets have globalized.A particularly notable example of this is the programming industry,wherein workers are pushed to work 100 hours a week for months at a time.Many people have found that working at home is simply more convenient and allows them to be more productive thanks to the Internet.Rather than having to travel to have meetings,self-employed workers can have video conferences with their clients and keep in constant communication from the comfort of their home.

  Ihe convenience of working from home comes at a price,though.Without the networking that takes place at an office,professionals who wish to advance their careers,or rely on connections to perform their duties must find new wavs to meet new people and clients.Also,working for oneself means that one does not have the protections that companies can offer,such as insurance and legal representation.This can prove very problematic for people working in fields with high liability.Furthermore,for the recently self-employed,finding work can be difficult without an established reputation,as clients are wary of wasting time and money on freelancers that may underperform.

  To conclude,the phenomenon of greater numbers of people becoming self-employed is likeiy due to stagnant economic incentives and the henefits that have been conferred on work life thanks to the Internet.However,those who wish to be their own bosses must be willing to accept the limitations that come with being a company of one person.,including fewer resources and difficulty in securing clients.(359 words)



  至于人们选择不为雇主工作的原因 很可能是出于各种经济和技术因素。例如,尽管利润不断增加, 但过去几十年来公司福利和薪酬等级基本保持不变。同样,随看市场全球化,许多领域的工人的待遇在下降。一个特别明显的例子是编程行业,其中工人被迫好几个月都是每周工作100个小时。许多人发现在家工作更方便,并且互联网可以提高工作效率。 自主创业的人不必出行去参加会议,而是在舒适的家中可以与客户进行视频会议,并保持不间断的交流。

  不过,在家工作的便利是有代价的。 没有办公室的人际关系网,那些希望提升自己的职业生涯或依靠与他人合作共同完成任务的专业人士必须找到新的方式来结识新的合作伙伴和客户。此外,自主创业意味着没有公司可以提供的保护,例如保险和法律代理。这对于在负债很高的领域工作的人来说可能是个非常大的问题。另外,对于最近的自主创业者而言,如果没有公认的声誉,找到客户可能会很困难,因为客户担心会在那些可能表现不佳的自由职业者身上浪费时间和金钱。

  总而言之,越来越多的人自主创业的现象可能是由于经济激励停滞以及互联网带来的工作生活的便利导致的。 但是,那些希望自已做老板的人必须心甘情愿接受一人公司带来的限制,包括更少的资源和寻找客户的困难。





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